Institutional representatives

Institutional representatives (IR) are appointed by the presidents of our institutional members.

IR’s are essential in the development and implementation of the strategic IDEALS of the ACE Women’s Network – New Jersey. IR’s represent and serve as an advocate for the interests of women’s leadership development and advancement in higher education at her institution.

The IR works in close collaboration with members of the state network governing body and serves as a liaison between the women at her institution and the members of the state network governing body.

Basic expectations of the institutional representative are as follows:

  • Identify women in key leadership positions on campus, including women administrators and women who hold significant leadership positions on the faculty.
  • Assist the state coordinator and the state governing body in the development and implementation of state workshops and conferences designed to encourage women aspiring to administrative leadership roles.
  • Keep women on campus and the institution’s president informed on a regular basis regarding the agenda and/or programs of the ACE State Network and the Inclusive Excellence Group.
  • Keep women on campus informed of leadership programs, fellowships, and grants for which they are eligible at both the state and national levels.
  • Establish, when appropriate, linkages between the state network and other campus programs focusing on women.
  • Build a campus network whereby other women are identified as potential leaders and mentored in their aspirations.
  • Participate as appropriate in local, regional, and statewide meetings.
  • Encourage senior-level women and men to serve as mentors or sponsors to women in middle-level administrative positions or to other women who have demonstrated potential for administrative responsibilities.

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