December 2020

A word from our Chair
Greetings to you, our dedicated colleagues across the State of New Jersey. As 2020 comes to a close, NJ ACE Women’s Network wants you to know that we are thinking of you!
For those of you who were able to join us at our Women of Color Conference last October, we hope that the many “pearls of wisdom” shared are still resonating with you and that you have been able to incorporate some of the excellent strategies provided by our presenters, Dr. Connie Hoyos Nervi, Dr. Nicole Pulliam, and Dr. Felicia McGinty for facilitating wellness in your lives.
We are busy at work planning our spring leadership conference for Friday, March 26, 2021. Save the date on your calendars NOW!
We anticipate that this event will be just as impactful as the last one, focusing on women and equity, especially along the lines of pay, workload, and other related issues.
Why ACE-NJ matters, now and into 2021
As you know, ACE-NJ strives to bring women together to discuss important matters related to advancing and excelling in our careers. Our programming and various forms of support, through our annual conferences, our commitment to individually mentoring women, and our advocacy efforts to increase the profiles of women on our campuses, form the foundation for ACE-NJ. We continually seek to expand the understanding of benefits that are gained when women working in higher education are at the table and involved in all levels of decision making.
Think of us as part of your support system, your cheering section, your team that provides unwavering encouragement. Yes, these times have been difficult but we remain hopeful, inspired, motivated, and determined.
But first, a time for rest and renewal
As we approach the end of the year and a very busy semester, I hope that this holiday season will provide you a period of rest and renewal. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish you and your loved ones…good health, peace, and joy, now and in the new year.
Allyson Straker-Banks
Chair, ACE Women’s Network NJ